Friday, June 03, 2005

Big Brother: Mary's eviction

It was between Mary and Craig and up to a few hours ago I was desperately hoping for Craig to go as felt he had achieved little, whilst white witch and alien-abductee (unfortunately not whilst she was in the house) had some promise.

In the end I changed my mind when I discovered that Mary wanted to leave and had taken to her bed. If she wasn't going to play the game then there is no point in her being in there. Craig, in a last ditch attempt for attention dressed up as Britney and performed Hit me Baby...

Mary looked absolutely terrified when she left the house, though she did not get as many boos as neither she, nor I, expected. Her interview with Davina went well although I found her opinions of some housemates odd, as she was very keen on Science. I had liked Science in the beginning but have since been put off by his bad attitude. For Mary there is only black or white and no shades of grey so people were only 'intelligent' or 'mature' or they weren't.

As a summary of the week, well really it has all been about rows, Mary has not helped herself in her quest to not be two-faced in that she put people's backs up by saying she didn't like them straight out. Kemal and Derek have been the most entertaining for me this week.


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