Friday, August 27, 2004

Sexiest Blonde

I think this says it all about the readers of Nuts Magazine. The fact that there is a chart of the 'World's Sexiest Blonde' is bad enough, but Jennifer Ellison to top it. Do these lads have no class? Have I just answered my own question? At least half these women didn't start their lives as blonde, so actually should be ineligible anyway. Also, for some reason, I cannot find a mention of World's Sexiest Brunette. Strange that.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Reality TV

I really can't decide if this is a good idea or not. A Reality TV show (called The Match) built around a celebrity football team? It sounds a bit dire. As much as I love the Reality TV genre and especially celebrity ones, I think this is scraping the barrel for me.

A key Reality TV audience is often female, they are the normal voters, so the producers will have to do some work to get the guys watching and voting.

Reality TV receives a lot of criticism for 'dumbing down' TV programming, but why it is cheap producers will still make it. Big Brother, five series ago, was original, now it is fun, but mindless viewing. After a day at work, being tired, and possibly stressed, most people don't always want to watch high brow political programmes or documentaries, they want to be entertained. If a TV programme is entertaining then it has succeeded in its brief.

One show not faring too well at the moment is ITV's Reality/Home Makeover Show The Block. The idea is that four couples have to make over a Brighton Townhouse room by room, from scratch. Each week a new room in revealed, and the best room (judges by Simon Cowell's property boffin brother, Nick) wins £3000 towards that couple's budget. Contestants also win any profit, (above Nick Cowell's valuation) when the property is sold at auction. The couple that make the most, also win a £50,000 cash prize. When I first saw it (Episode 2) I thought it was dire. I have since found myself getting sucked into Episodes 3 and 4. It is not the makeover aspect that is so interesting (you won't get any tips in this show), although some of the rooms they do are very good. What is compulsive is the bitching and paranoia of the contestants as to who has the best room, who is working the hardest/spent the most/pulling a fast one etc etc. However, having got the poorest ratings in its Tuesday 9pm slot across the five terrestial channels, ITV have moved it to 11pm. This is a shame as I believe there are supposed to be twelve episodes. I guess the Home Makeover genre is struggling. Bring back the House Doctor.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Hair Jewelery

This is just wrong. I could not imagine wearing jewelery made from someone else's hair. Ick.

BB5's Shell Bares All

BB5's Shell has posed for The Sun's Page Three. She claims she does not want a celebrity lifestyle, and is returning to University for a post-graduate degree. No doubt without any student debts, unlike most...

Monday, August 23, 2004

Slagging off the Ex

Benjamin Bratt, the former beau of Julia Roberts has been saying how unbearable her ego was. Not only is it very ungentlemanly to slag off your ex-girlfriend in the press, but the cynic in me (no really) thinks that maybe Mr Bratt's career is not doing so well, now he his no longer 'Mr' Julia Roberts, it all sounds a bit bitter to me. Poor bunny.

Cage bans wife from waitressing


Nicholas Cage's current wife wished to return to waitressing after their marriage. Sure she did. She married a multi-married, multi-millionaire and then wants to continue waitressing. Very admirable I am sure.

Cynical? Moi?

The Marathon Fiasco

British papers are full of Paula Radcliffe's failure to complete the marathon at the Athens Olympics. Radcliffe, the world record holder, was tipped to take gold, instead, as she slipped into 4th, she gave up, four miles from the finish, sat on the pavement and cried.

The press are all saying 'Poor Paula', 'Dreams shattered' etc, I have no doubt that Radcliffe is as "devastated" as she has claimed.

However, people are complaining about how hot it is, and that was why she did not finish. It is Greece, it is August, it is supposed to be hot. Every year there are stories of people dying in the Greek summers. The Japanese girl who won seemed to cope, apparently she had trained in St Moritz, which is hardly similar. Some athletes said that the temperature was too hot for Northern Europeans to cope with, yet others finished.

The course was apparently really hard. It is a marathon, not a stroll in the park, it is not supposed to be easy, otherwise we would all be doing it. There were complaints about running up hills too; had none of these athletes checked out the route before the race? Athletes like Paula have been training years for this event, there is no excuse for a lack of preparation.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Books into Films

I have mixed feeling about the idea of one of my favourite books, Memoirs of a Geisha, being turned into a film. Most films just do not live up to the book, and the lead characters just do not look like their descriptions. Take, for example, the film The Witches of Eastwick, in the book the character played by Cher was described as short and dumpy. Hello? Short and dumpy? So you cast Cher?? I read the book because I had quite liked the film, but could just not match up the image in my mind's eye of the author's 'short and dumpy' description and the image I had seen in the movie.

Films that are based on books have two options:

1. Keep it as true to the book as possible so die hard fans are not disappointed
2. Change the ending, so that people familiar with the story have a new ending to follow.

Perhaps there is a third option - leave the damn thing alone!

As far as Memoirs of a Geisha is concerned, I will probably base my decision to go and see it at the cinema on the reviews at the time, telling me if it is a worthwhile adaptation or not. However, even if it is slated, I expect I will be unable to resist it when it comes around on TV.

The book is very detailed about the Geisha learning process and I cannot expect the film to cover all of her life, but I hope they keep in the Geisha rivalry and her relationships. I just hope the film makers are big fans of the book, and are not doing this as a commercial venture.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Save the World

I have been playing this game over the last few days. It is quite straightforward and is called the Toxicbalster as you are blasting toxins out of the body of a polar bear, some whales and man. Fun little game, good message. Maybe I will break the 10,000 point barrier yet....

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Ooops - She (almost) did it again

It looks like Britney's forthcoming second marraige (that is for this year) maybe on the rocks before it has happened. Maybe if she is unsure she should call it off now, rather then get it annulled two days later, like before.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Kingdom Come

As many Cockney Rhyming slang words for one's arse (or similar) that I can find/think of:
  1. Bottle & Glass (arse)
  2. Khyber Pass
  3. Haagen Daas
  4. Apple Fritter (shitter)
  5. Pineapple Fritter
  6. Gary Glitter
  7. Light and Bitter
  8. Fife and Drum (bum)
  9. Kingdom Come
  10. Queen Mum
  11. Deaf and Dumb
  12. Elephant and Castle (arsehole)
  13. Jam Roll
  14. Bottle of Rum (bum)
  15. Aristotle "Aris" (Bottle...)

I need to get out more...

Monday, August 16, 2004

The Last Three Things I Bought

In shameless plagarism of an idea in heat magazine, and to satisfy my list lust, thus is the last three things I bought:

  1. Two bottles of red wine for my step-father whose birthday it is tomorrow
  2. Snow Patrol - Final Straw from iTunes
  3. A Lid-Care kit recommended by my optician, to stop contact lens irritation.

The fact is the celebs who answer these questions in heat at least buy interesting stuff!

BB5 - Jason the arrogant Tosser

Apparently, according to BB5 runner up Jason, the show was fixed and was edited to show him in a bad light. On a Channel 4 winners show last night, he was filmed telling his friends how he thought he had it in the bag, and generally whingeing that he should have won. He is one sore loser, arrogant enough to think he was that popular. He failed to integrate with the house and be part of a team and just complained his way through the ten weeks, and was very lucky, in my opinion, to have actually got to the final week. I have no idea who voted for him, and I really have no burning desire to see him crop up on my TV screen again. Unless of course, I have PMT and nothing to take it out on. Read more here.

10 Reasons Why I like Lists

In no particular order:
  • I like being organised, and lists are the epitome of organisation
  • I would forget what I had to do/thought of, if I didn’t write it down
  • They are concise, to the point, and thus easy to read
  • I hate faffing, and lists don’t faff, by nature
  • Christmas Lists reduce your chances of receiving dud gifts
  • They can categorise things in order of importance, such as ‘Most Successful’ or ‘Best Selling’ or ‘Worst…’
  • They can be fun and irrelevant as well as, serious and educational
  • Alphabetical lists, such as indexes at the back of books, allow you to find particular items of interest quickly.
  • It can be challenging to think up enough items to make '10 reasons…’ list – this exercises the brain!
  • Lists are cool

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Kitten causes havoc

No, not the BB one, but a cute little baby cat, got out of it's box on a plane, snuck into the cockpit and "became aggressive when the co-pilot tried to catch it".

(Twee voice) Awwww, was the liddle biddy kitty to much to handle for the big, strong man then?

Here is the article I found about it.

BB5 Where are they now?

OK, so it has only been a weeks since the final, but what have they got up to?

Nadia is apparently bookies favourite to be the first housemate to marry, after having received letters from so many interested guys.

Jason's birth mother has got back in touch, he apprently has had a tearful reunion with her. He supposedly will be offered a nice sum to promote fake tan.

Dan seems to have disappeared, he wants to carry on working with his band Icehouse Project.

Shell had admited to a bit of self-relief under the covers, she has also posed in her lingerie for a red top.

Stuart and Michelle are still together. Stu signed an exclusive deal with the Daily Star for £100,000. Michelle has been offered lots of advertisement deals, plus Playboy, it is rumoured.

Victor apparently has got himself involved in fisticuffs with Lee Ryan from Blue. Lee has never been known to hold back from trouble, and Victor was apparently pissed off that lee's bandmate Duncan, had slagged him off in Big Brother's Little Brother (or BBLB if you prefer).

Ahmed is to become a radio agony aunt (or uncle). Yes, really.

Bekki still looks like she needs a good wash.

Marco has guested in a West End musical.

Emma has been fighting with Victor again, when they were interviewed at MTV.

Vanessa, who is now dating TV presenter Ben Fogle after being set up by BBLB, has got involved in a TV stunt that has seen her chucking drinks over people and getting handcuffed to them.

Kitten is getting married apparently. Don't think anyone really cares what else she is doing, as long as she is being an idiot elsewhere.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Tell Us Something We Don't Know

Every newspaper and online news/entertainment channel is delighted to report the results of a poll collated by music channel VH1, confirming that Cliff Richards' Millenium Prayer is the worst number one record ever. Had nobody worked that out for themselves before now? Runners up included novelty records from Mr Blobby and the Teletubbies. Also in the Top 10 were Eamon's Fuck It (I don't want you back) , Las Ketchup and The Ketchup Song, Bob the Builder and Peter Andre. After the Top 10, apart from a few more novelty records (Glad to see The Cha Cha Slide wasn't overlooked, but expected it to be higher than number 19), were a few more credible artists, that are just disliked on principle. Altough I genuinely like Will Young, I guess people don't like the fact he came out of a reality TV show. A copy of the full list is here. Although nowhere in the article can I find what position No One Quite Like Grandma by St Winifred's School Choir came in the chart.

Strictly Come Dancing Gossip

According to Hello! magazine, Natasha Kaplinsky, the newsreader, TV presenter and overall champion has been getting close to the show's runner-up, EastEnders actor Christopher Parker, eleven years her junior. They are apparently 'friends for life'. I guess not many celebs are letting Hello! have exclusive access to their holiday shots this summer, so they are getting a bit desperate for gossip and making a mountain out of this molehill. There is probably nothing more to this story than a few glasses of wine and a the fact that their homes were in the same direction.

UK Smoking Ban

As a non-smoker I am relishing this idea to a degree, but I am not convinced it will work. I know it is in place in Ireland but where do smoker's go? My friend M is a smoker so if I go out with her, will I sit inside on my own while she nips out for a fag? Stand out in the cold with her? Or will we end up not going out at all? This could happen sooner than people think, as I have just read that Enfield Council in North London has asked the Association of London Government to give them the relevant powers to ban smoking in public places. No doubt there are other district authorities with similar ambitions. However, to be fair, I think the legislature should be national rather than at regional/district level (if it happens) to be fair to pubs and bars that could lose smokers' business to nearby districts.

Enfield is not far away, although it is not a place I tend to go out in, but if this plan spreads then it will no doubt spread to Essex too. As a non-smoker I am not going to stop going to a favourite pub or bar because it still serves smokers, nor am I likely to go to a particular pub because it is non-smoking. I go to a pub for its location (can walk from home or is near a restaurant we are eating in). However is a pub is too smoky (usually due to low ceilings or poor ventilation) then it is unpleasant for everyone. I think the answer lies in extractor fans and designated no smoking areas (though preferably not at the back where you have to walk through the smoky parts!).

However, one real bug bear is smoking in restaurants. Last year I ate at Marco Pierre White's Criterion Restaurant and we were the second row of tables back from the door. It was a nice night and the doors were open onto Picadilly...and blowing back the smoke from the table in front of us. About 12-18" above my food was a fug of smoke, it was disgusting. We complained to the management (unfortunately this was not our only gripe, but that is another story) but they said that as they did not operate a No Smoking policy in the restaurant there was nothing they can do about it, they couldn't move us and there was inadequate ventilation in the restaurant other than the doors which were blowing the smoke right back to us. So we ate our tasteless meal whilst breathing in their smoke. Grrrr.

100 Things About Me

It's obligatory really, isn't it?!

1. I am female
2. I am Essex born and bred
3. I am five foot tall (give or take a quarter of an inch or so)
4. My dad died when I was three and a half
5. My Mum has remarried so I have a fab step dad
6. I am vegetarian
7. I love cats
8. I have a degree from the Open University
9. I have my own flat
10. I live with Ratboy
11. My favourite cheese is Red Leicester
12. I love travelling
13. I work for a fashion company
14. I love handbags
15. I have a pair of Jimmy Choo mules
16. I hate peppers
17. I am an only child
18. My favourite alcoholic drink is vodka and coke
19. My favourite colour is turquoise, but I also like lilacy purple shades
20. I collect Swarovski crystal
21. I hate the film Pushing Tin
22. I love my ipod
23. I am right handed
24. I like playing The Sims and other similar PC Games
25. I like Mario Kart on the GameCube
26. I have always wanted some Tiffany jewellery
27. I have always wanted a Louis Vuitton Handbag
28. My favourite perfume is Stella McCartney
29. I like reading
30. My favourite novels are between The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, The Bonesetter’s Daughter by Any Tan and Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.
31. Dennis Quaid is probably my favourite actor
32. One day I would like to meet Whoopi Goldberg.
33. I buy too many books
34. I feel both excited and guilty when a parcel turns up from Amazon or bol.
35. I own too much make up
36. I am a make up snob and normally only buy the top-end brands.
37. I would love to write a novel
38. I prefer savoury to sweet foods
39. But I drink far to much Coke
40. I am a bit of a gadget addict
41. I am interested in Genealogy
42. I can be very lazy
43. I drive a Nissan Micra
44. I am scared of flying
45. I have a secret likening for puzzle books like Kriss Kross and Logic Problems
46. I am obsessed with feet, mine and anyone else’s
47. House Doctor is my favourite Home Makeover Show
48. I watch far too much Reality TV
49. I don’t like crowded places as I get mild claustrophobia
50. I don’t like it when people cannot take responsibility for their own actions and blame others
51. Mexican Food is probably my favourite
52. I wear contact lenses
53. I would like to have laser eye surgery but I am far too scared
54. I am rarely ever late
55. Everyone thinks I eat loads of chocolate, but usually it is only for one week a month
56. I was born on a Saturday
57. I am Taurean
58. I love chips and pizza (but not at the same time)
59. If I get a Create-Your-Own Pizza I always ask for chillies and jalapenos
60. I once worked on a sideshow at a fair.
61. I have always wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands
62. I want to go to the theatre or concerts more often than I do
63. Penguins are my favourite animals
64. I have done a bungee jump
65. I have done a tandem skydive.
66. I don’t like water sports much, but I do like white-water rafting
67. I have flown over the International Date Line and went back in time
68. I like buying matching sets of lingerie
69. I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog
70. I love getting massages
71. Some days I cannot walk on the cracks in the pavement
72. I hate it when I have days like that
73. I like playing Celebdaq
74. Amazon is my favourite website (gadgets and books in one place)
75. I have had my gall bladder removed.
76. I can while away hours on the web when in the right frame of mind
77. I hate patronising, insincere DJs.
78. My preferred radio station is Virgin (105.8FM) – particularly the Breakfast Show with Pete & Geoff.
79. Lilies are my least favourite flower
80. I think that the McDonalds’s Quorn Premiere is actually rather nice.
81. My favourite 80’s bands were The Thompson Twins and Go West
82. My favourite early 90’s band was Wet Wet Wet
83. If I had been born a boy I may have been called Quentin or Winston.
84. I have minor control-freak tendencies
85. I have a minor (self-diagnosed) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
86. I am good with money
87. I have a conscience when it comes buying products that harm animals or the environment, but I resent paying extra for it.
88. Public Transport shortcomings are a major bugbear of mine
89. I want a couple of kittens
90. I wish I could have a flatter tummy
91. I never want to run another Fun Run, because they aren’t fun
92. I have no idea what I am going to put for the next eight things
93. I quite like statistics, tables and graphs
94. I like receiving impromptu presents
95. I am allergic to non-gold jewellery, some perfumes and shampoos.
96. I don’t like ketchup, or anything other than salt on my chips, although a side squirt of sour cream or mayonnaise is acceptable
97. The toilet roll must be placed in the holder so that the paper hangs over the roll
98. Most of my underwear is from Marks & Spencer’s (isn’t everyone’s?)
99. I can be quite pedantic about bad spelling and grammar in others, but lazy with myself.
100. I still have my very first teddy bear that was bought for me by my father just after I was born.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Lotto Scandal

The Red Tops (and no doubt the Daily Mail) have been getting their knickers in a twist over the fact that a convicted rapist has won the lottery . Fortunately the broadsheets have a better understanding on the concept of a 'lottery'. Although not specific to the aforementioned scandal, my favourite lottery quote is by Boris Johnson, which I found today at the Telegraph online:

It is doubtless only the personal bitterness of a non-winner that leads me to think of the lottery as a tax on the credulity and overoptimism of those with a poor understanding of statistics.

Although I play the lottery most weeks, I am well aware that the odds of me winning it are worse that that of being kicked to death by a donkey (or something), but I think that someone has to win it, and it may as well be me...

Novel names

I have been interested in trends in naming children for years, so was interested when I found this article whilst trawling The Guardian website for something else. My real name has three syllables (and three vowels) and I have been pronouncing it under my breath for the last 20 minutes and I still can't decide if you stress the vowels with the front or back of the mouth, so I have no idea where I would fit into the experiment. Needless to say it is certainly interesting if you are thinking of writing a novel - make sure you romantic male lead is called Matt or Nick, not Paul or Charles.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Top iTunes

This is a list of my most played tracks according to iTunes. I am quite surprised by this selection myself, but I blame the fact I have it set to random and then wander off!

1. Lisa Scott Lee - Lately
2. The Three Degrees - Givin' Up Givin' In
3. Andrea True Connection - More, More, More
4. Freez - Southern Freez
5. Mel Blatt - Do Me Wrong
6. Alisha's Attic - Pretender Got my Heart
7. All Saints - Never Ever
8. All Saints - Bootie Call
9. Basement Jaxx - Bingo Bango
10. Blu Cantrell Feat. Sean Paul - Breathe

Bored, Bored, Bored

Due to absolute boredom at work, I have been browsing the web and other blogs. Currently I like this site the best. Ratboy is getting slightly fed up with the “Aaaaaaah”s and “Aww you are sooooo cute”s that I have been saying. I have forced him to look at a few and he claims to be unimpressed and that cats are stupid.

Other things I have done today include starting my 100 things... list. I am up to 78.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Survival of the Spider

I have a theory with spiders that they can breathe in water, or at least hold their breath for a long time. I am not a big wuss when it comes to spiders, at least, not with small ones. Obviously, if there was a huge hairy tarantula type thing in the room, I may not be so cool, but I can handle the smaller ones. Saying that, there was a medium sized one in the bath the other night, languishing on the far side of the plughole and failing consistently to climb more tan two to three inches up the side before sliding down. Poor thing must have been exhausted. It had very thick black legs and I decided I was not too fond of it. I have seen two similar sized spiders in the region of late, and my new theory makes me think it is actually the same one. Both got accidentally drowned, by taking refuge in my face cloth and getting caught up and dumped in the washbasin with it. They then ended up down the plughole. However, not wanting this new one in my face cloth, I asked Ratboy to remove it, as it was a bit bigger then I felt comfy handling, and it meant being at full stretch across the bath to reach it. Needless to say it was still there when I went to have a shower the next morning. Ratboy, who was off from work, was dead to the world, so I decided that it would be OK to shower with it as it was still on the far side of the plughole, but hopefully able to keep out of the way of the water so it didn’t drown. However, spider had other ideas (especially when the foam from the shower gel got caught up round the plughole) and decided to go slightly up the side of the bath and head towards me. I did not want to tread on the spider and I did not want it crawling on me (OK, so maybe I am a wuss), so I then tried to wash my hair whilst looking down, so shampoo was getting in my eyes, but I noticed the spider had walked onto the rubber bathmat and was not moving. When I had rinsed my hair (and eyes) I decided it must be dead as it was half stuck in one of the holes. I shook out the mat (so the spider was laying in the bath looking quite dead), put the mat over the side of the bath and left the spider for Ratboy to deal with. About 45 minutes later I came back into the bathroom to clean my teeth, to find said spider running around the plug hole again. Do they never learn??!! Pleased that I hadn’t drowned it, I still left it there, but it made me think about how well they survive in water. When Ratboy came in later he threw it out of the window.

Monday, August 09, 2004

BB5 - The Final week

So with the absence of Michelle, the five remaining housemates got on with life in the house: Stu, Shell, Jason, Nadia and Dan. Nadia was bookies favourite, by a mile, to take the title, Jason was second favourite with Dan, and Shell was favourite to go in the secret eviction BB had planned for Wednesday.

For the Saturday task, housemates had to complete an obstacle course involving assorted items from previous tasks - roundabout, manure, fish guts - it was all here. The housemates cheered when they completed the course, only to learn that it was not the real task - that was to drinks selection of ten shots containing fish guts, salt water and cod liver oil cocktail between them. Nadia did two before being violently sick on the decking. Shell couldn't do any, and Dan did one. Stuart did four, leaving three for Jason, which he managed.

Despite (Jason in particular) feeling the after effects, the housemates made sock puppets for a mini task on Sunday. This time they won their ice cream machine, after making effigys of each other and putting on a mini show.

On Monday, BB woke them to the sound of their own laughter, which equally amused them and freaked them. BB spent most of the week teasing housemates by calling them to the Diary Room and not speaking to them, by turning off the hot water, playing crowd sounds into the house, turning on the sprinklers whilst they sunbathed, calling them to the sofas for no reason etc etc. That morning they were given their suitcases and told to pack...Later that day they are told to nominate and the housemates decide to refuse, which they all do so. BB later tells them that the nominated housemate would face a special treat.

The next day BB continues its pranks and plants a newspaper with the headline 'BB Mole Tops Poll' behind one of the camera runs, which is spotted by the housemates. This just caused some teasing in the house, but no one seemed to worried. As punishment for not nominating last night, BB shows each housemate nominating each other over the last few weeks. No one takes it too personally, although Nadia was upset that her hair looked a mess.

On Wednesday, housemates are told to pack again, and given a final task of creating a Time Capsule which featured some of their DNA - hair of ear wax was the most common item put in. As a reward they are given a party with music. During the party, Stu was called to the Diary Room, asked if he had enjoyed his time in the house and was told that he had the lowest number of votes and thus was evicted then and there, without saying goodbye to his housemates. He left the Diary Room and out to meet the public, as BB dipped the music in the main part of the house so the housemates could hear the crowd chant his name. They were initially confused and thought he had won it. A very bewildered Stu met Davina and was later reunited with Michelle.

On the Thursday night housemates held an award ceremony. They had done the nominations themselves, and then the public voted. The categories included Laziest housemate, Greediest, best dressed etc. They all dressed up in their finery and had a meal.

On the final morning, they were woken to the strains of Doris Day and Que Sera Sera. They day was spent contemplatively until 8.30 when the live show started. Shell left the house just before 9pm. At 9.30 it was announced that Dan would leave at 10pm. At 10.20 the final announcement was made as Jason and Nadia sat hugging each other (an unlikely sight!) as Davina announced it was Nadia who had won. Jason then left the house, and Nadia came out at about 10.40 to a rapturous reception. She was overwhelmed as this meant acceptance for her, and later was reunited with her mother who had come over from Portugal. She won with 76% of the vote, the most popular winner in BB history (although this was not the most watched or most voted on final). All over for another year, and I can have my life back. What will I blog about now?!

Monday, August 02, 2004

BB5 - Week 9 - The penultimate week

After Victor left, Jason was the favourite to follow. Unbeknownst to the housemates they were all up for eviction from the Friday. Following a game of Celebrity Guess Who? The housemates lost and saved £3000 trying to guess the identity of a celebrity each, through ten questions. Jason wanted to leave the house, as he didn’t like the remaining housemates who he thought brown-nosed each other. Thinking he would be most likely to go, he said he would stay until Friday, but kept his group integration to a minimum. Dan, before entering the house, had said he didn’t want to win and would walk in the final week. He continued to consider this, and weighing it up against disappointing all his fans.

This week’s weekly task meant housemates were to be chained to each other depending on weight. Thus the heaviest male – Dan, was chained to Nadia who was the heaviest female. They elected to be chained at the ankle. Michelle was chained to Jason at the wrist and Stu was chained to Shell at the waist. Housemates had to sleep together, and were only separated for 10mins before bed and first thing in the morning to shower. They were allowed to separate to go to the loo and the Diary Room. Apart from that they had to apply make-up, moisturiser and clean the teeth of their partner. Each pair took it in turns to prepare meals each day for the group. Michelle was not happy at Stu being chained to someone else. She constantly tried to cuddle and kiss him whilst Jason was in the Dairy Room, whilst Shell politely looked the other way. She was nicknamed the Bunny Boiler in the press and her constant insecurity and need for attention from Stu grated on the nation, so that she was rapidly overtaking Jason as favourite to leave, according to the bookies. Housemates had to complete various tasks whilst as pairs such as pottery and typing. At the end they passed, and as a special treat got to see massages from home on the video screen. Much to Michelle’s mortification, Stu’s mates hinted at a mystery lady after his phone number. She threatened (jokingly) to kill them if they set him up with anyone. Thus her fate was sealed with the public, if it had not already been so. Come Friday, the housemates had had no feedback from Big Brother so did not know if they were all up for the public vote or not, or what was happening. They got the suitcases on Friday afternoon and were told to pack, but did not know for sure until Davina confirmed it to them, a few seconds before Michelle’s name was announced. Michelle left the house on Friday. During her interview with Davina, she admitted to being a jealous person, but said her comments were jokes. She refused to comment on whether she and Stu had sex in the house.

At the end of the show Davina announced that all housemates could now be voted for, to win. There would be a mid-week eviction for the one with the lowest number of votes on Wednesday.