Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Runaway Jury

Based on a John Grisham novel, with a change to the story, this courtroom drama has promise. The lead actors include megawatt Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffmann and John Cusack. A widow of a man killed through gun crime hires Hoffman's character Wendell Rohr to help her sue the gun manufacturer's for not being responsible where their guns are sold (i.e the black market). Gene Hackman in the jury expert for the defense and Cusack plays a juror with an agenda of his own.

For a while you wonder where it is going and quite how Cusack's character Nick and his cohort Marlee (Rachel Weisz) really pull it off, or even quite what they want to pull off.

However, this is a more than adequate way to while away an afternoon, which is what we did.



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