Friday, March 25, 2005

EG of the dump

Today we cleared out the garage. Well, not cleared it completely, just took emptied it and put a lot of stuff back in. We still had two car lots for the local dump though - a portable TV (with remote), an old video recorder, an old stereo, two car radio/cassette players, a couple of PC monitors and various packaging and odd bits of crap. All the electrical items work and it seems criminal to throw them out but they are so dated in their size and ability that we have upgraded and just do not have the room to keep (and why keep when you are not going to use it again?) so we had to throw them out. Not even the blokes who worked at the dump (and officially have first dibs on anything left there) wanted them.

I guess we live in a highly disposable society these days. Technological advances mean that many electronic/electrical products become obsolete, or at least, easily outdated in a matter of years and there is no purpose to keeping bulky stuff for no reason.


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