Friday, March 04, 2005

Celeb Fame Academy: Episode Four

The housemates are settling in nicely and bonding well.

Tonight Debra went first, she was concerned that she would come over all emotional during her performance of Get Here, fortunately she didn't. She put in a good performance that was well received by the audience and by the judges for the most part though they wanted her to stretch herself and try something new. Reggie followed up with U Can't Touch This, he did a good version and had all the moves, again he mostly got judge support for his effort and general performance though his singing still needed ( a lot of) work.

Kim performed No Doubt and was criticised for her inability to be a rock chick. This caused a row between 'headmaster' Richard and vocal teacher David, as Davis accused the judges of encouraging students to try new stuff and them jumping on the when they did. I thought she did a reasonable performance of it, as Gwen Stefani is a hard act to follow. Nick, in a suit, did a pretty good version of Kiss, which suited him no end. He then had a row with Richard whom he accused of picking on the girls.

Dawn sang I Don't Wanna Talk About It which was good, but I found her a bit bland. She was another one who thought she was coming over all emotional *yawn*. Chris did an excellent performance of This Love, his best performance since Hey Ya! on the first night. Jon sang God Put a Smile on my Face and did it well, he has definitely improved over the last week.

Gina actually attempted to sing rather than shout and did a passable version of Celebration, for now her exuberant and full-on performances are cancelling out her non-singing voice. Ade then did a wacky and entertaining performance of Born to be Wild cementing his reputation as a natural entertainer and performer. Edith closed the show with Sing it Back, her performance was raved about although a cough and sore throat noticeably hindered her performance.

The final three after the audience vote were Gina, Reggie and Jon. Again, Gina was saved by the judges. In the student vote, Reggie beat Jon by six votes to two.


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