Sunday, July 02, 2006

101 Things to do in 1001 days - The Fourth Ten

31. Buy a real designer handbag
32. Watch the first two series of 24. (12/24 first series)
33. Watch all the DVDs of Ally McBeal (half of Series one watched so far).

34. Organise my photos into albums

35. Sell, donate or throw-away 101 items

36. Get a new bathroom

37. Make my own ice cream
Get a new address book and put in all the latest addresses for everyone before they move again.
39. Organise my recipies
40. Try two new recipes a month

Not very good with this batch. I am 25% of the way through No. 32 and about 10% through of No. 33 . I could do with a couple of extra hours in the day.

I got a photo album for my birthday but I still have a lot to sort out. I am waiting on a quote for my new bathroom. I have quite a few things to chuck out it is just a case of sorting them. I have yet to organise my recipes and am doing a new recipe on avergae once a month. I am so crap.


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