Saturday, July 01, 2006

BB Update

A quiet week of bitching and backstabbing in the BB house. Glyn drank too much and was sick, Susie was unsympathetic and in the running for the most boring housemate ever. Nominated for eviction was Aislyne and Susie. Aislyne didn't take it too well, cried a bit and was nasty to Lea and Nicky for the rest of the week.

The sting in the tail was that the housemate the public voted for was not going home but into a new house next door with five new housemates. It was a devastated Aislyne that left and she was delighted to find herself in a new house. She was joined by Cumbrian bouncer Jonathan, Irish DJ and rapper Spiral, dopey Liverpudlian Jennie, camp Michael and big and brassy Jayne.

Aislyne has been told in secret that she must choose four of her new housemates to leave over the next week. What she doesn't know is they they will all go into the main house and be waiting for her when she goes back in...


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