Wednesday, January 26, 2005

24 Series 1 - Midnight to 4am

It is the day of the California Primaries and the Los Angeles Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) has had a tip off that presidential candidate Senator David Palmer is an assassination risk. Meanwhile top bloke Jack Bauer's (Keifer Sutherland) daughter Kim has gone missing with her friend. Whilst he is called in, his wife Teri and Kim's friend's dad drive around the streets trying to find her.

Jack is tipped off that there is a leak within CTU, the top bod who gives him a secure key card, is then murdered. The key card allegedly belongs to Nina Myers, a key member of the CTU team and the woman that Jack had a fling with whilst separated from his wife. When one of the team, Jamie, discovers that Nina's PC was compromised, she, Jack and Nina must work in confidence to try and find the leak, meanwhile a passenger jet coming from Europe is blown up over the Mojave desert.

We previously saw a woman called Mandy chatting up a photographer on the flight who is going to photograph Palmer, she steals his ID then parachutes out of the plane and blows it up. Yes really. We see her and her lover try and con her employer for more money before her girlfriend is shot, but she hands over this chap's ID which gets him into the Senator's inner circle.

Jack follows a lead to a street in LA, and with a uniformed cop in tow, tries to catch a guy in this anonymous building. The cop gets shot, but as the bad guy is taken away he says that he knows where Jack's daughter is but refuses to elaborate before being put into he back of the police van.

Meanwhile Kim and her friend have been kidnapped, they manage to escape, but her friend, Janet, is run over. The lads that kidnapped them, catch Kim but leave Janet in the road. They go back to check if she is alive and to kill her so that she cannot identify them. An ambulance arrives at the same time, so they leave and proceed to hand Kim over to another guy - the same one who had hired Mandy to get him the ID.

I like the fact that this is done in 'real time' (excluding advert breaks), the action is fast paced and there are many twists and turns, although you have to suspend your belief to a certain degree, it is very entertaining.


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