Friday, October 29, 2004

Harry Potter 5: The Order of the Phoenix

What a huge book! I am wondering if Ms Rowling has forgotten her junior readers, as this is asking a hell of a lot from them. As an adult it kept me pretty much entertained. It is easy to read, and you can get lost in it for a long time, but it does take ages to get through as it is far to heavy to take on the train. We meet the same characters again and this time (as everybody knows) someone dies. However, this is a small part of the book, and you are not left waiting around for anything to happen. As with any book this size, the reader can often find parts that could have been edited. The book does rely heavily on the reader having knowledge of the previous books, and if you haven’t read them for a while (as I hadn’t) you may miss some subtleties. You have to admire Rowling, as the planning to interlink all these books must have been a mammoth task, and again I wonder if this is not lost on younger readers. Overall, Harry Potter fans will love it, but then you won’t need me to tell you that though will you?!


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