Wednesday, July 28, 2004

BB5 - Week 8 - The Sex week

After Ahmed's eviction, the self-styled Jungle Cats (Victor and Jason) were even more isolated, making little effort to mix with the main group, preferring to sit on their own and bitch and moan, yet accepting that one of them was to go at the weekend.  Bookies  favourite by far, at this point, was Jason to leave. 

The Saturday task was failed.  It was a combination of getting questions wrong and having to slide into a pool of fish guts.  Michelle (a veggie) was given the opportunity to win back £15,000 by drinking the fish guts.  She refused.  The other housemates had a chance to win back £5,000, but also refused the drink.   On the Sunday there was a mildly interesting games of sumo wrestling in funny suits (won by Stu). 

The weekly task had a wedding theme.  Housemates had to decide their roles and perform various functions within them to prepare for a wedding three days down the line.     Michelle was absolutely desperate to be the bride and for Stu to be the groom.  Stu was, unsurprisingly, not to comfortable with this idea, and the lead roles went to Victor and Shell.  With Nadia as bridesmaid, Dan as best man, Stu as Father of the Bride, Jason as the vicar and Michelle as the choirister. 

The first night was the hen night and BB supplied the girls with food and drink and entertainment in line with the boys doing a strip.  It was a lively night, and Stu and Dan particularly enjoyed dancing to naff tunes.  Jason and Victor danced in the bedroom.   At the end of the night, Michelle stayed chatting to Stu, and persuaded him  under the buffet table (covered with a long white cloth) where it is believed, they had sex.   The first real sex (not acted) on British TV.  The bookies believed this and paid out.

The next day was the Stag Night and the girls had to pole dance for the boys.  The boys were not so supportive of the girls, as the girls had been when the roles were reversed.  Victor asked Shell for another pole dance and when she started, he wandered off to play football.  It was a very quiet, quite dull night as 50% of the boys were quite boring.   

During the run-up to the wedding, the bride and bridesmaid had to make their own costumes.  Michelle has made one too as she did not want to be left out and was completely desperate to be a bride.  She failed to learn her hymn correctly however.  She persuaded Nadia to stand at the 'alter', so she could pretend to be a bride and walk down the aisle.   The wedding went OK, although Victor missed out a word in his vows.  The gang had incurred quite a few fails on this task so far, although they were not aware of them.  Shell was concerned about Victor's attitude towards her.  All he would (grumpily) say was that there was some straight talking to be done.  Shell was very upset, but the time had come for the bride and groom's first dance, and she didn't want to do it (this would have been another fail, but the group didn't know they had failed already).  In the end she was persuaded and walked onto the 'dancefloor' and called Victor a 'fucking cunt'.  He took offense at this and a row ensued.  Shell wanted to leave the house and was very upset.  Victor seemed quite upset.  He likened the experience to feeling ' as though I have run over my kitten with my bike'. 

As they did not take up their 'honeymoon suite' in the spa/snug.  Michelle and Stu made themselves a little tent for more sex (or so it sounded like). 

Up for eviction this week were Jason (first time), Victor, Nadia and Dan.   On the Friday the housemates were given a mini-task - to perform a mime show.  They failed this as not all housemates (Victor and Jason) had contributed fully.  The housemates would have won an ice cream machine, but did not believe it had really existed.   BB showed them a video of an ice cream being prepared and fed to a dog. 

Before the Wedding night fight, Jason had been favourite to leave by 21% of the votes.  However, it was Victor who went to my surprise.  Next week there will be no nominations, all housemates will be put to the public vote.



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