Sunday, June 20, 2004

BB5 - That was the week that was - Week 3

Big Brother has always been compulsive viewing for me. Lat year's effort was quite poor in comparison with previous years, but this year Big Brother has redeemed itself, though some would say has gone a bit far.

Week One, after the assortment of 12 odd-balls arrived, was full of trouble as lesbian (I don't know why this is relevant, but the media seemed to think so), political activist Kitten broke eight of the nine house rules several times over. She was eventually kicked out by Big Brother. The following week, the housemates thought they were nominating as normal and three were put up for eviction: quiet, older chap Ahmed, bubbly, loud Emma, and Geordie lass Michelle. The twist was that two housemates would leave the house, but not to leave the show. They would go and live in a bed-sit attached to the Studio for five days and to watch everything that was going on in the house, and who was talking about who.

The two girls had ultimately ended up in the bed-sit, had found that several housemates had talked about them and had been less than pleasant, and were not too pleased. Big Brother gave them daily challenges as to whose bed was to get soaked with water and eggs, who was to have cold showers for the week etc. Between them they had decided, when they were to go back to the house, that they would play a long game and not reveal what they knew, apart from to their friends, and to 'mess with the heads' of those that had wronged them. Big Brother hid them in a buffet table when they returned to the house on Wednesday. When the housemates were allowed into the living area, one housemate, Nadia, lifted up a platter cover to find Emma's head which made for some funny viewing.

Later that night there was a food fight, mainly contributed to by the 'younger' housemates - Emma, Marco and Nadia, whilst resented by the 'older' group of Jason, Victor and Vanessa. Note that age is not relevant here, but how the 'older' group perceive the divide. Whilst asking if they were going to clear up, Scottish body-builder Jason became a bit aggressive, towards Marco, who continued to goad him. Jason actually turned over some furniture, I believe. Victor and Emma also had a row which involved throwing food, trays and wine in seriousness, whilst Victor threatened to "fucking kill" Emma. Meanwhile Nadia went to comfort a distressed Shell, and was pushed away and ended up rowing with Vanessa. By this time however, the live feed (it was 2am) was taken off air.

Security guards were called in to break up the fight, and the group was separated, Emma went back into the bed-sit, some slept in the bedroom and some in the lounge. After rising late on Thursday, some started to clean the house. The housemates also tried to piece together the events of the night before, which many had hazy recollections of, during to drink. Some housemates, like Nadia, were quick to offer apologies for offence that may have been caused. Others, such as Jason and Victor continued to believe they were in the right, and were reluctant to build bridges. Fortunately the excellent Dan negotiated, for people to chat to each other and help them to move on and accept offered apologies. I hear rumours that they may send him to Iraq after he comes out of the house.

The eviction that were supposed to happen on Friday were postponed until the following week. The nominees - Dan and Vanessa - would still be up for eviction, and the voting would continue for another week, with all existing votes cast, still standing. It came to light on Saturday night that Emma would not be returning to the BB house, as although BB officially did not think she was any more or less responsible than any other housemates, they could not risk another situation like that happening. Emma herself appears to be quiet volatile and a little comment from a housemate that she takes the wrong way could kick off again, especially if the other housemate was also unable to walk away. Roll on another week...


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