Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Passion of the Christ

We rented The Passion of the Christ on DVD ages ago and I had two abortive attempts to watch it where I fell asleep on both occasions (I guess I need something a bit livelier on weekend afternoons).

That said it is not a bad film. It does take a while to get going and the early scenes are filmed in a dark forest and it is hard to watch and work out who is who.

However, it is also one of the most gory films I have seen. The scenes where Jesus is beaten in the courtyard and nailed to the cross are very graphic, and the beating scene in particular goes on for a long time. I watched most of this film behind my hands.

The film has been criticised for being Anti-Semitic, but I can't see that myself. It is another time and era and should not be judged by how we treat the blasphemous these days! I also cannot comment on its historical accuracy as I have not read the bible since school and am hazy on the details.

All in all it was quite good, but I found the violence far to gratuitous for my taste.



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