Wednesday, August 24, 2005

City of God

Finally I got round to watching this film after it had been recommended to me by various people many times. It is a worthy recommendation. One of my favourite all time films was also Brazilian, Carandiru, and whilst similar in places, it is not as good as that.

Like Carandiru, the film has flashbacks into the past of different people in the Rio slum that they live in (nicknamed City of God, hence the title). I initially found this more confusing than in Carandiru, and it didn't immediately grip me, but it picked up half way through, and loose ends got tied up and you saw the film for the amazing, moving slice of life that it was.

The cast is broard and talented, you see our hero, Rocket, try and fulfill his dream of becoming a photographer from his childhood days where child hoodlums rob and kill (including Rocket's brother murdered by Lil' Ze, who ultimately went on to run the neighbourhood).

Most of the kids help with drug dealing and when battles kick off between rival factions are given guns to kill the rival gang members.

The film is very violent and shocking but absolutely worth buying/renting.



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