Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Apprentice Final

It was head to head with Saira and Tim. They were allowed to choose three former colleagues to help them with their final task. Saira chose James, Raj and surprisingly Paul. Tim chose Sebastian, Ben and Miriam.

The task was to put on an event on a Thames river cruiser. Saira was all for the bottom line and tried to find sponsors, which she did successfully and got loads of free Californian wine. Tim decided to do something different and impress Sir Alan with a sophisticated event featuring a fashion show. It looked like he bit off more than he could chew after struggling to find more than one decent designer and unable to sell tickets at £40.00. They eventually sold them to fashion students for a reduced rate, and even Saira had to cut her £25 ticket price to sell all in two/three days.

Saira's do was tacky and bar takings were low as people sampled the free wine. Tim did manage to pull off a sophisticated event however, but Sir Alan wasn't impressed.

At the end, Saira was the only one to have made a profit, but this was not all that was important in this task. Tim impressed Sir Alan with his proposed long range plans of regular fashion cruises and making them proper events, whilst Saira hadn't got any long range plans.

In the end, Sir Alan turned to Tim and said, "You're hired!"


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