Monday, March 21, 2005

Cause Celeb - Helen Fielding

This book was written before Bridget Jones and has since been republished. Fielding writes well when she writes about girls in publishing, when our heroine Rosie, goes to Africa on a promotional trip her priorities change and she realises how shallow her life was in London, thus giving her the strength to walk away from her relationship to go and help in a refugee camp. Four years on and there is a potential crisis. The camps need food urgently and bureaucracy is getting in the way so Rosie takes matters in her own hands and uses her contacts to get a media appeal up and running.

I don't want to go into anymore details but the book is lovely, though it is emotional. Rosie's original London character is a bit pathetic, but she comes out the other side. The book is griping and entertaining but not particularly challenging, although the subject matter is a bit different to most books in the chick lit genre.


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