Friday, February 25, 2005

Eastenders is 20: Part Four

The final leg - R-Z:

Raymond, Terry and family. Terry was originally a drunk who cleaned up his act. His marriage to Irene Hills was interpreted by the news that he was not divorced from his first wife Louise. This was soon rectified. After Irene left him, he became a father figure to Janine Butcher. He greatly mourned the loss of daughter Tiffany after she was knocked down by Frank Butcher. Tiffany had lived with Tony Hills until he got off with her brother Simon. She then got pregnant by and later married Grant Mitchell and had daughter Courtney. She had hoped to leave him for Beppe Di Marco before she died. Simon and Tony are now traveling Europe. Terry's first wife and his children's mother Louise, had an affair with Tiffany's husband Grant.

Rickman, Dennis - the illegitimate son of Den Watts and the unseen Paula Rickman, Dennis was tracked down by half-sister Vicki Fowler. Controversially he got together with adopted sister Sharon, but they were split up by Den. He lived with Zoe Slater for a while. He was going to leave her for Sharon, until he discovered Zoe was pregnant. When he discovered that this was a lie and that She was sleeping with his father to try and conceive to keep him, he left. Previous conquests have included Kate Morton, Kat Slater, Sam Mitchell and nanny Joanne Ryan.

Roberts, Carmel - Social worker to had a relationship with toy boy Kelvin Carpenter, and later married wife beater Matthew Jackson. Helped care for niece and nephew Aisha and Junior

Roberts, Binnie - lesbian partner of Della Alexander.

Roper, Willy - framed Arthur Fowler for theft of Allotment funds.

Rose, Michael, Susan And Matthew - Michael was market inspector who had a relationship with Lisa Shaw, we then met wife Susan who had MS, they moved to start a new life in Leeds. Matthew had a few relationships before getting serious with Teresa Di Marco who stood buy him when he was framed for the manslaughter of Saskia Duncan that was originally committed by his boss Steve Owen. He later made a revenge attack on Steve and got £10,000 out of it before leaving the Square.

Royle, Eddie - one time Vic landlord who had flirtations with Kathy Beale and Sharon Watts. Was beaten up by Sharon's' boyfriend Grant Mitchell, and was later stabbed to death by Nick Cotton but he was never suspected by the police.

Russell, Colin - first gay in the Square, lived with Barry Clark, and left the Square after becoming ill with MS.

Ryan, Joanne - hired by Peggy Mitchell to care fro grand-daughter Louise, Joanne had a fling with Dennis Rickman, before developing a crush on Phil Mitchell which meant she was sacked. She got her revenge by renting his flat out.

Salter, Mandy - homeless girl that got Aidan Brosman involved in drugs.

Shaw, Lisa - had an affair with married Michael Rose when they worked together on the market. She tried it on with Gianni Di Marco but then fell for Phil Mitchell whom she shot after a miscarriage. They later reconciled but she left him whilst pregnant to bring up baby Louise as Mark Fowler's, whom she married. After Phil went to prison, his wife Kate (nee Morton) gave her the baby back and she left the Square.

Skinner, Ethel - widow who lived with her dog Willy and was best friends with Lou Beale and Dot Cotton. She moved to sheltered accommodation and then came back to the Square to stay with Dot at the Fowler's and asked Dot to help her die with dignity as she was in the last stages of cancer.

Slater, Charlie and four of his 'daughter' moved in with Mother-in-law Mo Harris - Eldest daughter Lynne married long term boyfriend Garry Hobbs, after an affair with Beppe Di Marco, she later had a miscarriage she left the square. Second daughter Kat was raped at 14 by her uncle Harry, and did not tell the family until later, the product of this was Zoe, who was brought up by Charlie and his late wife as their own. Kat went out with Dr Anthony Trueman and they remained on good terms after he went out with daughter Zoe. She was prevented from marrying Andy Hunter at the alter by her true love Alfie Moon. After Andy bribed her to sleep with him to sort out Alfie's financial troubles they went through a rocky patch and are currently separated. Little Mo Slater was married to Trevor Morgan who beat her up. She served a prison sentence for hitting him with an iron, after he died in a fire, she married Billy Mitchell. She was later raped by Graham Foster and became pregnant with baby Freddie, which put pressure on her relationship with Billy. Belinda Peacock is the youngest official sister and is married and lives away from the Square. Zoe had a fling with Jamie Mitchell and then became engaged to her mother's ex-boyfriend Anthony Trueman. She also went out with Ronny Ferreira but feel big time for Dennis Rickman. When Dennis announced he was leaving her for his adopted sister Sharon Watts, Zoe was tricked by Den Watts to tell him she was pregnant. Then unable to get Dennis to sleep with her, she was forced to sleep with Den to get pregnant. When Dennis found out he left and Zoe had an abortion. She was involved in Den's death. Cousin Stacey has been causing trouble and blackmailed Spencer Moon after getting him into bed. She has also been in all sorts of trouble in the square and tried it on with all sorts of men who have rejected her advances.

Smith, Mary and daughter Annie - Mary was resident punk who became a stripper and prostitute, guidance of boyfriend Rod Norman got her back on the straight and narrow and let her have Annie back (who had been taken away).

Smith, Gus and Juley - Gus always took the blame for what his mates had done. Fell for Sonia Jackson big time but she finished with him for Jamie Mitchell. Julius is usually involved in some funny deals but has had no real relationships in the Square.

Sullivan, Dan - Arrived in the Square as Carol Jackson's boyfriend, then realised he had previously had a fling (which he started up again) with her daughter Bianca Butcher. He was framed for the shooting of Phil Mitchell, when he was cleared he kidnapped Melanie Owen, suspecting her husband Steve of having been the real shooter. Left the Square with £200,000 ransom.

Tavernier, Celestine and Etta and children - Friction in the marriage as Etta was main breadwinner - they moved to Norfolk when she got a promotion taking youngest Lloyd (who had sickle-cell anemia) with them. They were followed by Hattie (nursing a miscarriage and broken relationship with Steve Elliot). Eldest Clyde stayed behind in a relationship with Michelle Fowler. They went on the run when he was wrongly accused of Eddie Royle's murder. When he discovered Michelle was unfaithful whilst he was in prison, he left to go to Trinidad with a cousin. Had a son, Kofi, from a previous relationship. Grandfather Jules was a bit of an old flirt.

Taylor, Kelly - prostitute who befriended a runaway Zoe Slater and stopped her going on the game, lived and worked with Zoe and had flings with Martin Fowler and Ronny Ferreira before getting together with Spencer Moon. left Walford to become a holiday rep in Ibiza.

Trueman, Audrey and sons Anthony and Paul - Audrey was separated from husband Patrick, doted on Doctor son Anthony, but was less fond of the older Paul. When she died, Patrick moved into the Square. Anthony's main romances, were with mother and daughter Kat and Zoe Slater, (not at the same time), he left to go traveling. Paul had a fling with Precious Hudson, wife of a gangster type. He then had a secret affair with Janine Butcher whilst she was engaged to his friend Barry Evans, and kept quiet when she pushed him off a cliff. Guilt led him into the arms of Natalie Evans but she ended it when she found out. Paul has a daughter Eleanor from a one-night stand, and has since been murdered by one of Andy Hunter's henchmen. Patrick has since married Yolande Duke and they are running the (not very busy) B & B.

Wallace, Lenny - drifter, cabby, bar man that lived in a squat with his mate Huw Edwards and had a fling with Bianca Jackson before she married.

Watts, Angie and Den and adopted daughter Sharon - Den had many affairs and wanted to divorce alcoholic Angie, she told him she was terminally ill and then later attempted suicide to prevent this. Den had an alluded to affair with Pat Beale/Butcher/Evans in their early days, also businesswoman Jan Hammond; Sharon's friend Michelle Fowler (produced daughter Vicki) amongst others. Also has a son Dennis Rickman by a woman called Paula from before the show. Angie died a few years ago, Den was supposedly murdered but hid out in Spain, until Vicki tracked him down and brought him home, he is now married to Chrissie (who was involved in his real and final murder) but cheated on her with Kate Mitchell and Zoe Slater (who he manipulated to get pregnant to keep boyfriend Dennis from running off with Sharon). The latter got pregnant and had an abortion. Sharon married Grant Mitchell and had a fling with his brother Phil. Later she had a boyfriend Tom Banks who died in a fire, and then had an on-off relationship with 'brother' Dennis Rickman. She is now in Florida.

Wicks, Simon and David - Sons of Pat Beale/Wicks.Butcher/Evans, although Simon 'Wicksy' may have been the son of Kenny Beale, the brother of Pat's first husband Pete. Simon had a fling with Sharon Watts and later with Cindy Beale, fathering her first child Steven. They ran away together but he dumped her to go and live in NZ and she returned to Ian who brought up his son until Steven found out the truth and asked to go to NZ himself. David was married to Lorraine and had a son Joe, he left them when Joe was young to come to the Square and take up with his brother's old lover Cindy Beale. He was also the father of Bianca Jackson. When things with Cindy got heavy he left, leaving behind Joe (again) who had moved down with his mother. Lorraine had an affair with the married Grant Mitchell before returning to Bolton with Joe. Joe was traumatised from his sister's death when he got engaged to Sarah Hills, but was attracted to Mary Flahety. The complications of this and his father led Joe to have a breakdown.

Wilkins, Debbie - worked in a bank and lived with Andy O'Brein until he was killed. Left the Square to get married.

Williams, Cindy Beale's maiden name. Her 4th child, also called Cindy (conceived with a chap called Nick Holland), lived with her mother Bev, and sister in Cornwall after Cindy died in childbirth. Cindy's first child belonged to Simon Wicks, but was brought up by husband Ian Beale who she later had two more children with. Also had an affair with David Wicks, Simon's brother.

Williams, Nathan and Jane - Nathan was the product of an affair Jane had with Roy Evans when he was married to his first wife (Barry's mother). Nathan resented half-brother Barry and always tried to set him up and managed to snog his wife Natalie. He also had an affair with Melanie Owen. His deceits toward Barry and his father were uncovered by Natalie and he was thrown out.

Wilmott-Brown, James - a posh sort for Albert Square, he opened rival pub The Dagmar and raped barmaid Kathy Beale.

Most of my research came from Walford Web, surely a labour of love the official BBC site.


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