Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Eastenders is 20: Part Two


Ebert, Milton and daughter Rebecca, friend of Patrick Trueman, turned out to be the natural father of Patrick's son Paul.

Edwards, Huw - Welshman who worked in the cafe and did other odd jobs. Lived in a squat with best mate Lenny Wallace.

Elliot, Steve - Pizza chef who went to work for Ian Beale and later rivaled him. Engaged to Hattie Tavernier.

Ellis, Nellie - Aunt Nellie related to Arthur Fowler and friend to Dot Cotton and Ethel Skinner.

Evans, Roy and son Barry ran the car lot. Widower Roy later married Pat Butcher (previously Wicks and Beale). His old-flame Jane Williams came back into his life to reveal an unknown son, Nathan. He later died of a heart attack and a rift developed between Barry and his step-mother Pat. Barry, after being fleeced by Vanessa Carlton married Natalie Price and had a son Jack. Natalie left him for Ricky Butcher and he later married Ricky's sister Janine, who killed him for his money and got away with it. Janine Evans eventually was falsely convicted of killing Laura Beale.

Ferreira, Elvis mad dad Dan, sons Ash, Adi and Ronny and daughter Kareena. His ex-wife Pushpa sees the children secretly. Dan perused Shirley Benson, but she preferred his son Ash. Ash had a gambling addiction and was seduced by the attentions of a cunning Vicki Fowler. Adi is in a relationship with former lap dancer Sasha Perkins. Ronny went out with Kelly Taylor before moving onto Zoe Slater, her best friend. That ended when Kelly told Zoe she had seen him with another girl. Kareena had a chaste relationship with Ronny's friend Tariq Larousi who turned out to be Dan's illegitimate son. Tariq later donated a kidney to Ronny when he was stabbed. Kareena is now seeing Mickey Miller.

Flahety - It was discovered that Pauline Fowler had a sister born to Lou Beale before she was married called Maggie. The Fowlers and Beales set off to Ireland to meet the clan and Maggie's son Conor came back to the Square with his daughter Mary. Conor had an affair with Ruth Fowler and they left for Scotland. Mary had a fling with Joe Wicks.

Fonseca, Dr Fred - took over from Dr. Legg, he was gay but didn't want to tell his flatmate Mick McFarlane.

Foster, Graham - raped and impregnated Little Mo Mitchell (nee Slater). Was found guilty and sent to prison. Little Mo had a son Freddie.

Fowler - Arthur and Pauline (nee Beale) and their children Mark, Michelle and Martin. Arthur was sent to prison after stealing the Christmas Club money and later had a breakdown before dying. He had an affair with Mrs Hewitt, who he gardened for. After Arthur died, Pauline became friends with Jeff Healy and currently lives with gay friend Derek Harkinson. Mark had a phase living on the streets and contracted HIV, he first married Gill who died of AIDS. He later married Ruth Aitken who left him for his cousin Conor Flahety. Third wife Lisa Shaw and tried to take on her daughter Louise by Phil Mitchell before she left him for Phil. Michelle became pregnant by her best friend' dad Den Watts, and had baby Vicki. She later married George 'Lofty' Holloway. After they split, Michelle decide to move to Florida, but not before one night of passion with Grant Mitchell conceived Mark jnr. Martin had a few teenage flings which resulted in the conception of baby Chloe with Sonia Jackson. After Chloe's adoption Martin had a fling with Kelly Taylor. He accidentally killed Jamie Mitchell in a road accident, but since has married his fiance Sonia. Vicki returned from Florida to see her family and half sister Sharon Watts, a fling with Spencer Moon resulted in an aborted pregnancy. She also seduced Ash Ferreira and one of her lecturers Tommy Grant but her half-brother Dennis Rickman and father Den Watts saw to the end of that.

Grant, Tommy - lecturer and boyfriend of Vicki Fowler, he also tried it on with her step-mother Chrissie Watts.

Hammond, Jan - Lover of Den Watts when he was married to Angie.

Harkinson, Derek - gay friend of Pauline Fowler and lives with the family. A few past lovers have been alluded to, plus two children from a marriage.

Harris, Pat and Mo - sisters in law after Mo married Pats' brother, no love lost between them. Mo's daughter Viv married Charlie Slater and they provided her with many grand-daughters. Pat had a fling with Den Watts that is alluded to, she later married Pete Beale and had a thing for his brother also. Later married Brian Wicks and had sons Simon and David. Third husband was teenage first love Frank Butcher. Later married Roy Evans.

Harris, Nina - niece of Irene Raymond (nee Carter). Ex-prostitute shared a flat with Beppe Di Marco. Had flings with Grant Mitchell and Mick McFarlane.

Harvey, Troy - old schoolfriend of Tony Hills who stayed with his mum and her husband, Irene and Terry Raymond, and then had an affair with her.

Healy Jeff, Alex and Melanie - Vicar Alex disputed with the Square over a halfway house project, he had a fling with Kathy Mitchell. Dad Jeff was a union man who courted Pauline Fowler for a while. Melanie worked for Ian Beale and had a relationship with him, but left on their wedding day when he discovered that he had lied about daughter Lucy's terminal illness (or lack of). Had a fling with Phil Mitchell and later married Steve Owen and later had an affair with Nathan Williams. She was kidnapped by Dan Sullivan and later left to go to Portugal.

Hewitt, Christine - had an affair with Arthur Fowler who she had hired to do her garden.

Hills, Irene (nee Porter) was married to the brother of Kathy Beale and had two children Tony and Sarah. She later married Terry Raymond but that ended after an affair with lodger Troy Harvey. Tony was bi-sexual and cheated on Tiffany Raymond with her brother Simon. Later had a relationship with journalist colleague Polly Becker. Sarah was a bit of a God botherer who got involved in a lot of church and cult stuff, she had a one night stand with Robbie Jackson and later was engaged to Joe Wicks and Matthew Rose. Ted Hills, Kathy's brother was in the show for a while before going to South Africa.

Hobbs, Garry - mechanic at the arches who married Lynne Slater. They later separated when it was revealed that Garry had fathered Laura Beale's son Bobby. They were later reconciled but Lynne suffered a miscarriage and left the Square. Garry later discovered that Bobby was Ian's and not his.

Holloway, George AKA Lofty - Worked as a bar man and later offered to marry Michelle Fowler and take on her daughter Vicki, fathered by Den Watts.

Hudson, Angel and Precious - Local gangster type and his wife. Precious was Angel's alibi in a murder case and he left her in the care of Paul Trueman but they fell in love.

Hunter, Andy - local businessman and dodgy dealer. Persuaded Kat Slater to marry him but she dumped him at the alter for Alfie Moon. He got his revenge by black mailing her to sleep with him. Later married Samantha Mitchell.

Jackson, Alan and girlfriend Carol Branning later married, their household comprised their son Billy, her children Bianca (by David Wicks) who later married Ricky Butcher and had son Liam before having an affair with her mum's boyfriend Dan Sullivan; Robbie who was unlucky in live until he met Nita Mistry and moved to India with her and Sonia who later became engaged to Jamie Mitchell and then married Martin Fowler (by whom she previously had baby Chloe, who was subsequently adopted). Also in the household was Alan's mother Blossom. Alan also had an affair with Frankie Pierre.

Jackson, Matthew beat up his wife Carmel (nee Roberts).

Jeffery, Saeed and Naima ran the corner shop. Naima threw him out and divorced him after he started to visit strippers and make dirty phone calls. Later ran the shop with cousin Rezaul before returning to Pakistan to marry another cousin.


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