Sunday, October 10, 2004

Essexgirl's Californian Exploits - Part Two - San Diego

On the Saturday morning, the RV (recreational Vehicle) arrived, that we had hired. We headed off out of LA towards San Diego. There was quite a bit of traffic heading out of LA on a Saturday lunchtime so it was quite slow going. We were very surprised that the roads were in such poor condition and it was a bumpy and rattley ride. We stopped off at Laguna Hills, an out-of-town shopping centre for a late lunch in McDonald's and then carried on to San Diego where we had got ourselves booked into a KOA campground with full hook up facilities (electricity, water, cable TV). We also did a spot of grocery shopping and had a relaxing evening (we were slightly jet-lagged) in front on the TV.

The next day we caught a bus and tram down to the Mexican border. We then walked over the bridge into Tijuana. There were quite a few traders about selling blankets, novelties, hats and God knows what. There were also quite a few beggars. Most of the traders were happy if you just shook your head as you passed, they didn't hassle you as bad as they would in North Africa, for example. After strolling through the town (and the zillions of pharmacies selling viagra and other such medicines over the counter) we found a lively looking restaurant for lunch. I had a huge plate of nachos for lunch and some 2 for 1 margaritas which were lovely. The restaurant played old disco numbers and it was a hot day and a very pleasant lunch (Ratboy had a few 99 cent Coronas). The toilets in the restaurant were a bit ropey however. We headed back to the border and I bought a fun, stripey blanket for US$13 (which I was glad of on cold nights). There was quite a queue to get back over the border, but once over the other side, we got the tram all the way to Downtown where we had a wander about an visited a few shops. I bought a lovely, stripey cardigan in Macy's for about US$40.00. We had another quiet evening in and a light dinner in the RV. Had we had more time, I would have liked to go to Sea World or the zoo, but there is a lot to see in the next two weeks.


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