Church Burial records
1001 Things in 101 Days - No 61 Try Something New Every Month - May
I have been up to Peldon church in deepest, darkest
1001 Things in 101 Days - No 61 Try Something New Every Month - May
I have been up to Peldon church in deepest, darkest
I recently went to see this Donmar Warehouse Production at the Piccadilly Theatre, having only seen the film before many years ago. The story is pretty straightforward set around gamblers Sky Masterson (ballet dancer Adam Cooper) and Nathan
Guys and Dolls does not have as many big show-stopping numbers as some of the other big West End/Broadway shows, the title song and ‘If I Were A Bell’ were the most memorable from the first half, and ‘Luck Be A Lady’ and ‘Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat’ in the second half.
The performances were all very good. I expected Adam Cooper to be able to dance and he also had a good voice. Neil Morrissey’s strength lay not in his voice or slightly gangly dancing but in the comic timing he brought to the role. In fact all the cast members did an excellent job of the comedic and musical parts of their roles and I was also especially impressed with Kelly Price who graduated from stage school only two years ago. The supporting cast were also excellent and held some big numbers themselves. I was slightly disappointed by the ending as the last number was a bit of a damp squib following on from a show-stopping rendition of ‘Sit Down You’re Rockin’ The Boat’.
The current lead cast are due to change shortly with Morrissey and Triplett being replaced by Patrick Swayze and Claire Sweeney. Cooper and Price are staying on until August.
Key Cast members:
Sky Masterson – Adam Cooper
Nathan Detroit – Neil Morrissey
Sally Ann Triplett – Miss Adelaide
Sarah Brown – Kelly Price
Piccadilly Theatre,
Box Office : 0870 060 0123
Performances commence at
Further info:
I bought my tickets through an offer on where
Top 25 tunes listened to via iTunes over the two years. Figures in brackets are positions from January when I last did a Top 25. RE refers to a track that was not in the Last Top 25 but has been in it before.
The housemates were in trouble for talking about nominations again. Nikki, Lisa, Imogen, Glyn and Lea committed the heinous crime of talking about nominations. They had to stand up in front of everyone and nominate one person from the guilty pack for nomination so that the one with the most went up automatically, as well as whoever went up after the other housemates had done regular nominations. The group mainly were being strategic and nominating one each so all would be up together but Lisa nominated Nikki after Glyn already had done so, so she was automatically up for the third week and was rather upset, particularly as Lisa had been all reassuring to her earlier, saying she would be safe.
Two years (and one week) and 735 posts since I made my first blog entry in June 2006 about Baby Showers
After having had a phenomenal start to the year with the fabulous 'Put Your Records On', Bailey Rae subsequently brought out this much in demand, self-titled debut album. The album starts with the track 'Like A Star', which is a slow, jazzy number. Her vocals are still distinctive but the song is not as catchy or as memorable as 'Put Your Records On'. 'Enchantment' is less jazzy, and also quite unmemorable, fortunately the CD then redeems itself with 'Put Your Records On'. This is followed by 'Til It Happens To You' which whilst being another slow number has a nice beat with a definite blues feel followed by another single 'Trouble Sleeping' which is a bit livelier again.
The haunting strings that play during the introduction of 'Call Me When You Get This' reminds me of a 1960s film soundtrack, although the rest of the track does not offer much more, I was also disappointed with 'Choux Pastry Heart', a very slow, and sombre track that is not to my taste at all.
'Breathless' is a lovely uplifting track and one that grabbed me instantly, as most of the other tracks (excluding the singles) I suspect are more growers. 'I’d Like To' is one of the more upbeat numbers with a strong brass section. It is then slowed back down again for Butterfly which reminds me a bit of Eva Cassidy. The album closes with the melodic 'Seasons Change'.
I have been burnt a few times by buying contemporary 'Easy Listening' type CDs and not enjoying them, as my tastes tend to be a bit rockier, but I was glad to be given as I had loved the two singles I had heard. However, I feel the general sameness of much of the music could inhibit further success. It is a great background CD to have on at a dinner party, or for sitting reading, but I can’t see me picking it off the rack to often to listen to all the way through very often , but I wouldn't be disappointed if most of these tracks came up on my iPod when set to shuffle
Naughty BB. Golden Ticket winner Suzie was the only housemate allowed to nominate. She chose Grace and Nikki. Both took the news badly and ranted and slagged her off behind her back. Nikki subsequentlly calmed down and grew to like Suzie and understood why she may have been nominated. Grace never got over it, and knew she was going after the boos last week and continued her bitching completely obliviosly to what she was doing.
Most people think it strange when I say that
The cemetery was opened in 1839 and currently has over 150,000 people buried in over 50,000 graves. It is divided into two parts - the older
Tours run during the week at
Our guide was called Alex, a knowledgeable American chap who took us around the West cemetery and showed us some of the key graves and told us some interesting stories about some of the ‘residents’ of the cemetery. I am sure with 50,000 plus graves there are 50,000 stories but we have to be content with a dozen or so. You are not allowed to wander through the West side without a guide. There is a small book store which you come to at the end of the tour and I don’t believe it is accessible without doing the tour.
In the newer east side you may wander as you wish. Admission is £2, plus £1 if you wish to take photos and a further £1 for a map. If you don’t wish to buy the map the gate attendant will direct you to Karl Marx and George’ Elliot’s graves. If you carry on down from Marx’s grave to see quite a lot of older graves that are crumbling and buried in the bushes and you realise exactly how much work the Friends of Highgate Cemetery have done so far, and you no longer begrudge the admission charge.
Both cemeteries contain a range of simple graves to the opulent and I must say I find a certain Englishness in the simple wonky, stones overgrown with ivy, or where the roots of a tree and broken the stones, and probably prefer them to the angels, urns, lions and cats.
This thriller is unique in that it is filmed almost entirely at the same location – a Manhattan Phone booth. Arrogant and obnoxious PR man Stu (an excellent performance by Colin Farrell) uses the same phone booth everyday to call his would-be girlfriend (a thankfully underused Katie Holmes), but has attracted some attention that he does not want.
When the phone rings in the booth, he answers it and then finds his world turned upside down. The caller on the other end knows all about him, about his wife and girlfriend and wants him to pay for not being a nice person. He also has a rifle which he uses to cause trouble. You have to wonder why the sniper (voiced by a sinister Keifer Sutherland) would go to all that trouble and the reasons given were not as satisfactory as I would have liked but the speed of the film, the quality performances and the many twists kept me hooked.
Because most of the film is shot in the confined location of a phone booth with our anti-hero Stu, the film is strongly dialogue led but you do not tire of it as he uses all his wiles to get one over the sniper who seems to remain one step ahead all the time. Director Joel Schumacher must be credited for keeping the story tight and twisting at all times.
A mention must go to Forest Whitaker, whose good cop character, whilst not entirely original, gives you faith that one day all will be well.
Running Time: 81 mins.
DVD Extras included an audio commentary by Director Joel Schumacher, which I found a bit dull. There was also a short ‘Making Of’ documentary.
Sam went. She cried and apologised.
The Top Ten Beatles tracks I have listened to on iTunes since June 2004:
Belated due to Blogger problems last week - George walked because he didn't want to be famous, tow new housemates (Sam and Aislyne) arrived ans Sezer was evicted with 91.9% of the vote over Lea and Richard. The nation cheered (or booed). Richard & Imogen had an argument.
This romantic comedy film is loosely based on the Sixties TV show stars Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell in the lead roles. Kidman plays Isabel, a real-life witch, who has given it up (almost) to have a normal life, but has discovered how dependant she is on her witchcraft. Ferrell plays Jack, and actor trying to make it big (again) with his role of Derrin in the re-make of the Bewitched TV series, he is desperate for an unknown to play wife Samantha (the lead character in the original TV series) so that he can steal the limelight. He discovers Isabel with a twitchy nose and offers her the job. This leads us into some uncomfortable romantic tangles and some supposedly funny happenings.
You can tell what director Nora Ephron was trying to do on this film in giving it an original slant. The film is nothing like the TV series, but is more about a the actors in a re-make of the TV series. I imagine there are some ‘in-jokes’ for those that remember it better than I, but there is no real re-cap as to who the characters are for those too young too remember the show first time round. Die-hards fans of the Tv series would undoubtedly be disappointed in how this has worked out. I think the idea was to make it appeal to a new, younger audience, but I think it has worked in only being unappealing. The sequence of events happening in the film all seems a bit random and disjointed, and there is absolutely no chemistry between the two leads.
As a side story they brought in Michael Caine to play Isabel’s father and Shirley MacLaine as the actress who plays Samantha’s mother in the show, to hint at some romance, but these veterans can’t save this film, and don’t seem that bothered. Like the rest of this film it was a complete waste of time.
The DVD extras include the director’s commentary and deleted scenes, but unfortunately I was far from inclined to watch them.
101 in 1001: No 6. Watch 52 Films in 52 Weeks.
Inspite of going to
No. 61 - Do Something New Every Month
No 67 - Go to 50 places (attractions/parks/towns/buildings) I have never been before