Monday, February 13, 2006

Back Trouble - Clare Chambers

52 Books in 52 Weeks - 1

Although the cover of this book makes it look like a chick-lit type book, the manin character is a man called Phiip who is knocking on the door of 40 with a failed business, failed relationship and debts. He then has a fall and injures his back.

He uses the opportunity that he is laid up to take up a challenge from his brother to write his biography. At first he thinks he has nothing to write about and then starts writing about family holidays and other events in his life. It is a sweet story, and whilst his family may be a bit odder them most, there is a story in an ordinary childhood. He alternates the childhood reminicences with events of the previous year which I liked, as each chapter was like a different short story. The end of the book saw an interesting twist, which was unexpected in this type of book.

Overall, the book is humourous and observational. It will not likely be the best book ever read but it is excellent for making a long journey fly by.


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