Sunday, December 05, 2004

Strictly Come Dancing: Semi Final

Once again, the couples had to perform a ballroom dance and a Latin one. Aled and Lila kicked off with their Tango and got quite disappointing marks, although their comments were good. I thought it was an excellent tango. Julian and Erin then performed their Foxtrot. I thought the chosen piece of music, Peggy Lee's version of Fever. It was a very slow piece and made the dance slow and dragging.

Jill then performed her tango with her partner Darren. It was quite stilted and she didn't look in control of the dance. The judges also noticed this and commented and marked accordingly, giving them their lowest score in the competition. However, they loved Denise and Ian's tango, putting them in the lead, in spite of commenting on Denise needing to work on her spine movement.

At the halfway point, Denise was 1st, Jill 2nd. Aled was third and Julian last.

In the Latin section, the judges liked Aled and Lilia's Paso Doble and gave them reasonable marks. Julian and Erin struggled with their jive. Julian looked awkward and out of time. They got a very low score and poor comments from the judges.

By contrast Jill and Darren got the series' first 10 for their Paso. Jill looked fab and there was not a step out of place. Denise and Ian's Paso was also raved about, although they scored a point of two lower than Jill and Darren, their higher Tango scores meant that they kept 1st position, and the judges were pleased to see that Denise was using her spine correctly.

After the judges scores were totaled, the positions stayed the same as the half way point. With viewers' votes, it meant that Denise and Aled were at the bottom as the public voted to keep Julian in, who was rather embarrassed and kept saying "It is not right!". Eventually it was Aled who went. It is a shame as all couples are at a very good standard at the moment, however Julian was weakest on the night.


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